No, it’s not a new Harry Potter book, it just sounds like it. This is far more serious than Harry Potter books. It is real life; it is our nation’s future and we need to change it. The article is by Barry Rubin in Pajamas Media.
Obama Extends Hand; America’s Enemies Extend Fist
The truth is that in dealing with the Middle East, the West is often dealing not so much with people who have an equally valid narrative but real wackos (multiculturalism translation: people who have a different worldview) whose grasp of reality is not so firm. That such people may have trillions in oil money, nuclear weapons, or powerful armies is rather disconcerting.
A timely reminder of this is an interview with Ahmed Ezz El-Arab (not my preferred transliteration!), who is vice-chairman of Egypt’s Wafd Party and heads the party’s foreign policy team. To understand the significance, remember that the Wafd Party is the great liberal, moderate party that was central in Egypt’s history from the mid-1920s to the mid-1950s. If Egypt was going to become a modern, democratic and reasonably secular state, the Wafd Party was the great hope.
And here we skip the history and get to the latest from Ahmed Ezz El-Arab, pretty frightening, indeed.
El-Arab has not yet mastered, apparently, the great art of saying something quite different in English than he does in Arabic. Perhaps there should be a school run by those ubiquitous public relations firms to teach this; it could be called the Yasir Arafat School of Speaking and Public Communication.
Teacher: OK, now assume you’re on CNN. What do you say about Israel?
Student: The evil satanic Jews are enemies of Islam and must be wiped out!
Teacher: No, no. [Points at the teacher’s pet]. Can you tell us what the answer should be?
Student 2: Yes, teacher. We would like to live in a just and lasting peace with Israel but the Zionists are aggressive and oppress our people. The Palestinians are the new Jews.
Teacher: Excellent!
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And so the candid El-Arab told the interviewer (on tape, mind you!):–The Holocaust largely never happened.
–The Diary of Anne Frank is a fake.
–The September 11 attacks were staged by the U.S. government and Israel, not Osama bin Laden.
–Obama’s election doesn’t reflect American democracy but a ruling class plot.
–“American soldiers with double Israeli nationality and Jewish religion” stole Jewish antiquities from the Babylonian exile period and buried them in Jerusalem so they could be later dug up so Jews can claim an association with the city.
How, then, do we know El-Arab is a “moderate”? (I’m not joking.) He said Egypt should only go to war with Israel if attacked (of course, there’s always the problem of what constitutes being attacked), he said Jews once did live in the land that today constitutes Israel, and he is against killing all the Israeli Jews. If he were an Islamist he would have a different stance on those three issues.
Now, since Obama cannot comprehend a person like El-Arab or Ahmadinejad or Nasrallah, or Meshal, he cannot comprehend how his policy is interpreted as weakness by such people. Nor can he understand that these people are not merely the Middle Eastern equivalent of Obama supporters but are very sincere about throwing U.S. influence, non-radical governments, and Israel out of the region.
There is a little more, and a little I left out, read it all here.