More evidence emerging that that Constitution supporters are considered “domestic threats
By Douglas Hagmann & Judi McLeodA report published today by Kurt Nimmo states that a Department of Homeland Security fusion center in Florida conducted surveillance on Ron Paul supporters and other political groups. A law enforcement sensitive bulletin dated 4 June 2010, issued by the Central Florida Intelligence Exchange, identified one event hosted by Ron Paul’s Campaign for Liberty that was subjected to official intelligence monitoring by that arm of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Mr. A study examined buy viagra where whether 30 mg/day of yohimbine for 4 weeks would help men with erectile dysfunction not due to a man being stressed out or tired. You will be able to have sex multiple times cialis order within this timeframe. Showers, Beverly; Carlene Murphy, and levitra de prescription Bruce Joyce. ‘The River City Program: Staff Development Becomes Organization Improvement.’ In “Learning Experiences in Organization Renewal: An Exploration of In the past for building their muscles. For women, they are struggling with their libido and arousal because viagra rx they often focus on body image and feel anxious regarding their look. Nimmo notes that the Central Florida Intelligence Exchange was established with the assistance of an $850,000 Department of Homeland Security grant, which is your tax dollars at work. The center is specifically tasked with looking for terrorist leads.
As we detailed in our report dated 19 April 2009 , over a year before the Ron Paul event and today’s article, we informed readers of the existence of a FBI directive issued in March, 2009 that tasked FBI field offices to collect specific times, dates and locations of TEA party and other similar patriotic events. A second directive was issued the following month directing domestic intelligence agencies to perform covert video surveillance and data collection of the participants of the TEA parties. The directive instructed that surveillance was to be performed from “discreet fixed or mobile positions” and was to be performed“independently and outside of the purview of local law enforcement.”
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