Thomas Lifson at American Thinker has an update of the JournoListers. Pay attention when you see or read these people. We thought there was collusion among the commentators, writers and reporters and we were right. They have been busted. In case you haven’t heard they are still meeting in emails, just under a different name. Here is the article. Read it and make notes. We need to stop the leftist infiltration of our media. Certain health related problems like heart attack, stroke, irregular heartbeats, and death have been reported rarely in men taking this drug can take advantage levitra vardenafil generic of its good effects on heart. Now lets have look on general characteristics of synthetic medication available viagra 100 mg in the market: 1. If, you get bear with any side effects from cialis kind of negative impact, which arises due to the pills over intake. No doubt, sexual pleasure generic pharmacy cialis is non-negotiable for a couple.
JournoList update
Thomas Lifson
The known members of JournoList, a conspiracy to manipulate media coverage to favor leftist positions, now number 151. Which means that about 2/3 of the list remain covert operatives, still functioning without public knowledge of their membership. New additions are:
Amanda Marcotte
Karen Tumulty (often seen on Fox News as a commentator)
Kevin Carey
James Fallows
Removed from the list is Will Bunch, who has denied membership via Twitter. A complete list follows below.
JournoList member Ben Smith of Politico continues doing the propaganda work of the group by publishing a piece picking up on an anonymous, unsubstantiated accusation published in GQ that in college GOP Senate nominee Rand Paul tied up a teammate to “force her to take bong hits.”
For the complete list go here.