Another one is showing some strange inclinations of sanity. Mickey Kaus in the Orange County Register is showing some sense on immigration. Via Instapundit:
If you’re a Democrat and resist the party’s immigration stance — which favors a “path to citizenship” for illegal immigrants as part of “comprehensive” reform — you’ll inevitably be called “anti-immigrant” or worse. So let me be clear up front: Immigrants are still good for America. They are especially good for California — those who come from south of the border and those who come from overseas. Most are working hard to help their families. The place wouldn’t function very well without them, including those who came here illegally.But the Democrats’ dogma on immigration — they’ve never met an amnesty they didn’t like — is at odds with common sense. After all, why don’t we have free, unfettered immigration – so-called “open borders”? Because half the world would happily move to our country if given a chance. Los Angeles and the Bay Area would soon look like Rio de Janeiro, with vast communities of shacks and slums.
Mickey Kaus is a candidate for US Senate in the Democratic primary in California. Real all his post to see his common sense ideas.