Government by Holiday Inn Express

Government by Holiday Inn Express

Mona Charen has an extremely well written, thought provoking article here.

You’ve seen those commercials in which an airline pilot, or surgeon, or nuclear engineer is giving expert advice only to acknowledge eventually to his nonplussed listeners that while he is not actually a fill-in-the-blank, he did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Do you ever get the feeling that we are getting Holiday Inn Express government?

Does anything they say make basic economic sense? President Obama and the Democratic Party propose to save money (or what they call “bend the cost curve”) on health care spending. They will spend less, they say, but also cover more people — the 47 million or 30 million uninsured (Obama has used both numbers). This will be accomplished without reducing care for anyone and without raising taxes on anyone except the rich. In fact, care will be improved.

Sounds great. But do these people know what they’re doing? They mouth the words “choice” and “competition” but only, ironically, in praise of a “public option.” The concept of encouraging choice and competition in the health insurance market — say by permitting interstate sales — is off the table.:

Go read the whole thing.

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