What’s the end-game here? ………
The end-game is very obvious. If you expand the bureaucratic class and you expand the dependent class, you can put together a permanent electoral majority. By “dependent”, I don’t mean merely welfare, although that’s a good illustration of the general principle. It cialis levitra online brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it. Do not go above the prescribed dosage of cheapest cialis online is enough to have the strong erections throughout the sexual activity. viagra pfizer 100mg In this article some of the branches are mentioned and explained briefly below. These pills have to be used with drinking water only. sildenafil online without prescription In political terms, a welfare check is a twofer: you’re assuring the votes both of the welfare recipient and of the vast bureaucracy required to process his welfare. But extend that principle further, to the point where government intrudes into everything: a vast population is receiving more from government (in the form of health care or education subventions) than it thinks it contributes, while another vast population is managing the ever expanding regulatory regime (a federal energy-efficiency code, a government health bureaucracy) and another vast population remains, nominally, in the private sector but, de facto, dependent on government patronage of one form or another – say, the privately owned franchisee of a government automobile company, or the designated “community assistance” organization for helping poor families understand what programs they’re eligible for. Either way, what you get from government – whether in the form of a government paycheck, a government benefit or a government contract – is a central fact of your life.
This is the salient paragraph but you need to read the whole thing.
Via Lucianne.com from National Review.
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