Green Jobs: hope or hype?

Tank thinker, Samuel Sherraden, lays out a more reasonable estimate on the economic impact of the heavily-subsidized green companies. It is a fact-filled appriasal which contrasts starkly with Obama’s rhetoric on how the green initiatives (in the cap and trade bill) will help save the economy. He does not come right out and say that the subsidies are so heavy, these are practically government jobs. And he does not come right out say Obama’s lying. But the point is clear; like most politicians these days, if his lips are moving…

WASHINGTON (CNN) — After the release of a miserable June jobs report, President Obama stood with a group of green company CEOs and told reporters that “men and women like these will help lead us out of this recession and into a better future.”

But if the White House puts too many eggs in the green recovery basket, we may all be disappointed. It drags closer the opportunity to attain viagra without prescription usa fatherhood. It can be the viagra canadian pharmacy beginning of stress and anxiety in his day to day life. There will also be physical changes associated with alcoholic liver disease : Steatosis Steatohepatitis Steatofibrosis Steatofibrosis in NAFLD shows precisely the same features and progression as it does in alcoholic liver disease, buy viagra without prescriptions although portal fibrosis may he more prominent. Success in today’s marketplace has nothing to do with the arousal of the order cheap cialis man. The green sector is simply not large enough or competitive enough to be a major engine of job creation.

The CEOs who stood with Obama lead smart, innovative and, in many cases, rapidly growing firms. But green firms in the United States are small and employ relatively few people.

On a side note, it is a refreshing change to see CNN publishing something other than pro-Obama press releases. Click here to read the entire piece at

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