Monthly Archives: December 2016

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I wish all of you a good, peaceful, healthy, and prosperous HAPPY NEW YEAR. This is a long list of links I have gathered over several days.  Busy days. The California gathering that Hatched plan to prosecute climate skeptics.   … Continue reading

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I’m not one to go for boycott’s but I’m not a fan  of Kellog’s cereals anyway.  I need to look into what all they produce. Uh oh, some of my favorites here in this list of all their products. Twilight … Continue reading

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A person who did not vote for Trump reports on jury duty with Tillerson.  She found him to be a very honorable person. Merrick Garland supporter loses bid to have him voted on in Supreme Court. US judge orders unsealing … Continue reading

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Shock and Awe in the Democrat Party, they want to know why she lost, not the excuses we are being given. John Podesta: not my fault its the FBI’s fault they only warned the IT desk. If you haven’t watched … Continue reading

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What purple America wants from Trump. Comey to Trump: The Russians Didn’t Influence the Election   Well, that’s interesting. Sounds like Comey was acting purposely to thwart Hillary. I wonder if he was the leaker? Rent a voters pass millions in … Continue reading

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It was the fault of the DNC they were hacked, their fault Podesta’s gmail account was hacked, but as usual it is all Trump’s fault from the Washington Post This article is a little bit misleading. The woman did tell … Continue reading

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This federal judge thinks the electors in Colorado are trying a political stunt in trying to overturn state law so they don’t have to vote for Trump.  He was explicit in his decision. Read this to see what he said. … Continue reading

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The Recount ploy didn’t work so now we have the Russians elected Trump stories. The Michigan recount ended on Dec. 8.  Some reporters truly do not know the difference between fake and real and will believe what they want to … Continue reading

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Donald Trump’s greeting at the Army Navy game Situational Unawareness— or what the liberals didn’t know. From the Washington Post:  The electoral college is a medieval relic. Only the U.S. still has one. One of the things that makes America … Continue reading

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No wonder our kids are so ill informed- A college professor went off on president-elect Donald Trump in her Orange Coast College class. And now the student is faced with threats of legal action and expulsion.  Apparently this student is … Continue reading

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