Monthly Archives: October 2011

A Political Reformation is needed in America

Victor Davis Hanson knows how to state it.  If you are old enough to have studied history when it was history you know one of the reasons for the reformation was indulgences. Rich people could buy their way out of … Continue reading

Posted in Myths, ostentatious, outrageous pensions, Privilege | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on A Political Reformation is needed in America

Links I think are important; Afghanistan, Occupy Wall Street, Global Warming, Education

These are the links I sent my email list this morning. I am not going to have much posting time this week.  Family get togethers will take first place, but I will do what I can.  I do this because … Continue reading

Posted in Capitalism, Countrywide, divide and conquer | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Links I think are important; Afghanistan, Occupy Wall Street, Global Warming, Education

Victor Davis Hanson is one of my Heroes

Anyone who reads my blog or gets my emails knows how I think this man is one of the smartest and most aware men in our universe. And this is why. Rage On—and on and on… Occupy Wall Street? I’ve been … Continue reading

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It DID start with Bork, and then came the Anita Hill accusations against Justice Thomas

And the ugliness has escalated from there. We now have an extremely divided country.  This has been my contention for some time.  The New York Times has an op ed today with the same conclusions and a little more. The … Continue reading

Posted in partial birth abortion, Politics, resentment, rhetoric | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on It DID start with Bork, and then came the Anita Hill accusations against Justice Thomas

The Anchoress Opines on Herman Cain – a must read

I have great respect for Elizabeth Scalia who blogs under the name The Anchoress. She is always well reasoned and has thought through every thing she writes.  She is a very religious, thoughtful Catholic who lives her life in the … Continue reading

Posted in Christian Conservatives, Christians, gay marriage | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on The Anchoress Opines on Herman Cain – a must read

More Green fiascoes, this one on electric cars

It sometimes doesn’t pay to read the online news sources if I want to get anything at all done around my house.  Today I stalled out on these.  But I will try to use my time efficiently and only post … Continue reading

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Constitutional Amendments for the upcoming election in Texas

This is the information you need to be well informed for the next election. Be sure to read it. It is from the site Empower Texans and suggestions on how to vote are given. I think I agree with most … Continue reading

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Cultural Welfare; Rick Perry + and -;Occupy Wall Street and the Commies, Muslims and other misfits

This is from Politico, not a good sign for Obama. Obama launches cultural warfare By KEITH KOFFLER President Barack Obama stands accused by conservatives of waging class warfare, seeking to galvanize his base and lure middle-class voters by pitting the … Continue reading

Posted in divide and conquer, Drilling, Economics, Goldman Sachs, Homeland Security, Oil Industry, Socialists, Texas, Union thugs, Unions | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Cultural Welfare; Rick Perry + and -;Occupy Wall Street and the Commies, Muslims and other misfits

Links to News of the day

When all your advisors are economic illiterates this is what you get: White House eliminates insurance program for long-term care Who could have guessed this wouldn’t work? Every rightwinger and Republican, that’s who. Obama plans to turn anger at Wall … Continue reading

Posted in Astroturfing, axis of evil, budget, divide and conquer, DNC AND ACORN, Economics | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Links to News of the day

Well, well, well, now that we know who owns the park and who is behind the protests….

It’s time to clear them out and clean the park.  Who would have guessed.  Maybe this is not working the way they thought it would. Who owns the park? The request to clean  Zuccotti Park is coming from the company … Continue reading

Posted in just dont get it, Privilege, resentment, Socialists | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Well, well, well, now that we know who owns the park and who is behind the protests….